от Николай Петров | юни 1, 2018 | Everyday Zen, In the woods
When my thoughts
get tired out of me
I let them free
Like horses, set free
They go everywhere they want
Chewing the fresh grass
I run between their feet
a mountain spring
transparent and clear
They drink
the water
Completely free
от Николай Петров | фев. 5, 2018 | In the woods
Paper boat, in the vast ocean-universe
Without direction
Aimed toward the path of endlessness.
Surrounded by winds love,
without asking he shares his breath.
She will never be alone.
Where will it turn? Where will it go?
That little particle of life.
How long will it go?
The spark of life to give away.
от Николай Петров | окт. 26, 2017 | Everyday Zen, In the woods
Towards the endless space, there is no direction, forever lost or everlasting and existent, is the same.
Short poem form the cycle – „Zen woods“ from „the book Into … „
Paper boat, in the vast ocean-universe
Without direction
Aimed toward the path of endlessness.
Surrounded by winds love,
without asking he shares his breath.
She will never be alone.
Where will it turn? Where will it go?
That little particle of life.
How long will it go?
The spark of light to give away.
In separation with the forest, I thought about the strength of this life force that has filled everything there.
I wondered if there is something little left from it in me. Whatever it was it looked like a message to me, sent from the forest. It shooked me. Can I leave unbiased from there? To the woods, to me, to knowledge, to everything. Can there be a neutrality in human life?
After your soul experiences a power with such a magnitude, nothing will remain unmoved and unchanged. Everything changes us, even the very resistance to the change itself.
This transformation itself is inalienable; it is not a process, it is a sequence of events, it is those events we can alter by using our will and actions.
Living my everyday life, I wonder whether I am right or wrong, taking one or another decision and making one or another action. All of that changed after I felt the sameness with all the living around me. A lesson emerged, whether I want to help my self or help somebody else. I should stop repeating mistakes, and look for a creative way to do things differently, to reach inner harmony, to be an example of what can be achieved. For everyone has eyes, heard and mind to see and understand that model. Trying to fight, counterpoint or react, and react to yourself or someone else a different way, you are going to repeat the same mistakes and will be captured by vicious circle unable to leave it, separating you from your true self.
To the endless space, there is no direction, forever lost or everlasting and existent, is the same. What makes a difference is, am I aware of the gift of life, and will I appreciate It? Will I realize every moment on the road in an unknown direction?
I will fill my life with meaning or will It leave to the flow.
A small paper boat, in the vast ocean-universe. A tiny grain of life, harmless virus, infecting with life. That’s why we’re all the same until we are alive to carry the spark.
The Bulgarian version of the text can be found here at Journal1.bg
от Николай Петров | окт. 18, 2017 | In the woods
Let go!
Leave yourself to the woods.
Release all fears, let desires come.
Free yourself!
Breathe, walk, touch, listen to the trees.
Experience this timelessness.
Let the spirit of the forest touch all your the senses.
Let this simple thing be, for a long time.
Enter the forest ready to accept all her gifts.
Talk to her, let her know what you need.
Hear her, feel her, let her whisper you the medicine.
от Николай Петров | окт. 17, 2017 | In the woods
short poem form the cycle – „Zen woods“ from „the book Into … „
I see your soul
You can not hide it
In the darkness of the night
fears are poisonous
they crawl toward you
They tighten around you
Through this darkness I see
Creeping things
in your mind
I listen to your crying
You shudder and scream
Attracted to The dark
They tear your longings
Your beating heart
Singing and for the moment
to be Free of love
Your soul left alone in the dark
A captive in captivity
Lost bird flying in a forest.
Read more form this cycle
